December 16, 2023
Portl is a social media application.
Portl leverages Dalle AI to create a new social media experience for people. Users can create images based on text prompts and share them with others.
Portl celebrates people's unique interactions with artificial intelligence and creates a network around those instances. Portl also provides traditional social media tools like posts with imagery, likes and direct messaging.
openAI technology is incredible so why not connect people together using some of its technology. Users can easily visit the profile page of a user whose images they find interesting and send a direct message. The users AI images are on the profile page saved as moods.
The idea behind portl is that there is a mystery to be gleaned from every image and while we impress upon the technology with words, the AI has the final say.
Here's an example of a captivating image created by a text prompt in portl.
for those interested in the coding aspect of this project the stack consists of react, tailwind and firebase backend as a service. I worked painstakingly with Chat Gpt to find a way to connect user id's with AI imagery. The solution became two cloud functions which invoke the user id from firebase and then interacts with Dalle AI api to produce a unique image for each prompt which the user can then share.